
Your staff are often the most significant asset of any organisation, and by investing in them, you invest in the growth of your company, clientele, profits, and social impact. While healing and flourishing might seem like an individual responsibility, from our experience, we know that this responsibility is shared and requires a cultural facilitation from the environment we work in. 

Our expertise in training and facilitation helps you to discover how to take your team from languishing to flourishing. We deliver workshops on resilience, motivation, psychological safety, being trauma informed, character strengths and much more. 

Together, we achieve

Stronger staff relationships

Increased wellbeing

Increased productivity

Staff and client retention

“I took one (#IAmRemarkable workshop) with Afsar, with no idea on what it was, and it was so illuminating. I’ve personally taken away some practices that I now incorporate into my day!”




“I feel comfortable speaking about the complexities around the sensitivities around my previous experiences, which I rarely share due to fear of judgement. The strength of the sessions is that, at no point have I felt judged, allowing me to open up and gain a fuller experience.”



Civil Service

“I was able to talk without any interruptions or judgement. I myself was made to look for the solutions which allowed me to think in a different way than I normally would.”



01. coaching

Individually, or in groups, we create a safe space to explore questions like "What kind of leader do you want to be? What are your strengths? How do you develop your team?"- We create a session that suits your needs using a strengths-based approach.

Using Appreciative Inquiry, strengths-based coaching, and our expertise in education, our bespoke packages are tailored to your specific needs before providing training programmes, workshops, or long-term interventions that will enable your team to flourish. For this reason, our rates differ depending on your needs and the audience in question. Click the subheading to see a selection of our workshops.

03. Positive Psychology in Education

Our experience in teacher training, classroom practice, and positive psychology means your staff training is in safe hands and has the wellbeing of our young people and teachers at the forefront. We'll first establish what your school needs and then bring you the tools to embed a culture of flourishing from the school gates to the staffroom.

04. Finding the Happy Medium project

We want to talk to religious organisations and chaplaincy services about developing our research. We studied the experiences of non-heterosexual people who also belong to a faith group and found they all wished they had received a coaching style discussion when they reached out for support. Get in touch to discuss our plans for the implications of this research.

#IAmRemarkable is a global movement that empowers everyone, including underrepresented groups, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond, while challenging the social perception around self-promotion. As a facilitator my role involves hosting workshops and being an ambassador for #IAmRemarkable within my personal and professional networks. At the heart of this movement, is a free, 90 minute workshop. To learn more and join the initiative visit

I host workshops regularly and pride myself in being able to facilitate themed workshops- look out for a range of these, including workshops for dancers, teachers, women, neurodivergent and so much more!

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