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Vision Boarding for a better you: v2.0

While the first vision board method worked for me throughout 2020 (yes, even through the unprecedented lockdowns!), I still needed a refreshed way of planning my next goals. 

Fast forward to 2021. I had laid down the foundations of habit tracking and starting with the end in mind. I had my big annual goals, filtering down into monthly targets, and then filtering down another layer into daily habits that contribute to each of those higher levels. With this method more or less ingrained (give or take the usual human wavering), it was time to consider a different approach to my goals.

The method is very similar to the one I used in 2020 (which you can read about here).

  1. The only difference is that I simplified my categories from 1 per letter of my name, into 3- to nurture my mind, my body, and my soul.
  2. Again, to keep myself from getting overwhelmed with too much, I was sure to not overload the targets within each category. I stuck to 2 overall goals within each category, expressed as if they are dreams. Some branches of psychology also recommend writing this as if you have already achieved it, to trick your brain into manifesting the behaviours as if they are already a part of your lifestyle.

For example,

●        Mind- “I have graduated with a 2.1”

●        Body- “I am happy with the way my body looks.”

●        Soul- “I feel connected to nature on a deeper level”.

Some are more vague than others but they should express the state that you want to achieve at the end of your given time.

3. The next step is as before, you create more specific, actionable steps that lead you up to those goals. You could break these down into 6 monthly or quarterly targets, or I’ve found that monthly targets were useful when starting up to build habits. This way, the check-ins are frequent enough to realign or reassess the bigger dream in light of life events that may happen. The trick is not to give up, but to reflect and adapt according to what’s appropriate.

4. These targets then filter down into daily/weekly habits that you can track and monitor on your digital records or analogue journal- whatever is your chosen method. These steps should reflect enough challenge to keep you in a struggle zone; enough to make you feel closer to your goal, but not so big that it’s not sustainable and you end up quitting.

So that’s two methods- both very similar; the only difference being in the way that you choose your categories. What are your thoughts?

Got one more yet to come for those who already feel quite established or fulfilled in their daily habits. Stay tuned!


One response to “Vision Boarding for a better you: v2.0”

  1. […] Well I’m sorry to say friends, I don’t think I actually have an answer for this. The answer is already firmly deep within us. All I can do, is share my third method of vision boarding which I had to change to, a quarter of the way into 2023 after starting off using v2.- the mind, body, soul method. […]