
We co-create a safe space that allows you to unlock your silenced voices that took you away from your true potential. We specialise in coaching areas such as careers, productivity, relationships, spirituality, neurodiversity, and coping with life events. We start with a free 15–30 minute chemistry call to establish whether we’re a good match. If not, we help you find somebody who is, at no obligation to us! Check out our FAQs here.

Usually, the coaching investment is funded by your organisation, but I also work with self-funded clients. Get in touch to discuss your needs and the various fee structures I have in place to support your journey.

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“I really liked that the answer to my problem was present but everything that was going on just clouded it and the session helped me see it clearly…”



Restaurant Manager

“…it’s been a long time since I woke up feeling more positive than anything. I think it was overdue for me to sit and express what’s happening. It’s not something I could get over or shrug off as I normally would do, so that session and future sessions was and will be much needed to regain my strength.”



Start Up Director

“Conversations are nuanced and explored effectively, and I have been amazed at Afsar’s ability to navigate areas where other professionals have failed.”



Civil Servant

Our Approach

What to expect from your coach

Confidentiality; active listening; gentle challenge and curious questioning; interventions or models to work through; gentle humour; non-judgemental; safe space; respectful feedback and paraphrasing to gain clarity; note- it is not the role of a coach to give you advice. We firmly believe you already have the answers you're looking for; we just hold up the mirror until you discover it yourself.

How to maximise your session

Book a free chemistry call and ask any questions; reflect on what you'd like to work on in each session; bring honesty; arrive on time to get the most out of it; have an undisturbed time and space; be open to gentle challenge and respectful questioning; take responsibility for any actions you set yourself; recognise any self-limited blocks to your work.

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