Positive Psychology

Part 1/3 Why I’m doubting coaching after graduating from a coaching Masters

Part 1/3 – When your personal stuff weighs down your professional confidence I was sat in my graduation ceremony, gown-clad, the rim of the mortar board pressing against my forehead and riling up a headache as I looked around at the buzz of the room. So many of my peers had brought their friends and …

Part 1/3 Why I’m doubting coaching after graduating from a coaching Masters Read More »

Are you a sky lover? You might be a Skychologist!

Are you a sky lover? You might be a Skychologist! Okay I tried really hard for a cheeky pun there but Skychology is really a thing! Paul Conway of Successful Humans describes this ‘punny’ word as a field of research in improving your physical and mental wellbeing. The theory is underpinned by Positive Psychology, and Conway’s own …

Are you a sky lover? You might be a Skychologist! Read More »

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